
Becky Eldredge – Overwhelmed No More. (Self-paced)

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Short Description:
With the overwhelming reality of what we are facing today, how can we continue to discover God’s vision for our lives? You may even wonder, “Does God have a plan for me?” As well as, “How can I discover and use my gifts to be the change I desire to see in this world?”

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Becky Eldredge - Overwhelmed No More. (Self-paced),Becky Eldredge – Overwhelmed No More. (Self-paced)

6 Ways to Discover and Live God’s Vision for Your Life


God desires to meet you where you are and carry you through the chaos of this world.

With the overwhelming reality of what we are facing today, how can we continue to discover God’s vision for our lives? You may even wonder, “Does God have a plan for me?” As well as, “How can I discover and use my gifts to be the change I desire to see in this world?”

How do we go deeper when the chaos competes for our attention?

How do we settle our scattered minds and hold on to the promises of God during this time?


There is hope!


You do not have to feel overwhelmed anymore and you do not have to journey alone.



<p “=”>We have prayerfully created a self-paced, six-week retreat as a way to help you intentionally pause, pray, and embrace a path of abundant hope, peace, and purpose. We are inviting you to journey alongside our community to truly discover and live God’s vision for your life – a vision where you are overwhelmed no more!

Throughout the process, Becky’s weekly videos, spiritual tools, and resources will guide you to:

  • Week 1 – Know You Are Not Alone
  • Week 2 – Pray in Daily Life
  • Week 3 – Center Your Life Around God
  • Week 4 – Clarify Your Yeses
  • Week 5 – Choosing Between Goods
  • Week 6 – Walk Boldly in Peace


This unique online retreat, based on the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, provides an individual retreat experience within a virtual community of faith. Together we’ll walk through:

  • Weekly video teachings from Becky
  • Prayer guides, worksheets, and spiritual tools
  • A community welcome wall and weekly go deeper with community conversation
  • Go Deeper Resources



  • Go Deeper Resource Library to continue going deeper in Christ beyond the six-week retreat.


  • Take stock of what’s keeping you busy
  • Learn how to center your life around God
  • Discern and prioritize your greater yes
  • Gain the peace that comes from intentionally and prayerfully bringing your busyness and overwhelming circumstances to God
  • Walk in the boldness that comes from clarity

Your Instructor


Becky Eldredge

Becky Eldredge

Becky is an Ignatian-trained spiritual director, retreat facilitator, and writer. She is the author of the book Busy Lives and Restless Souls and the recently published The Inner Chapel book.

With two decades of ministry experience within the Catholic Church, she invites her community deeper in their walk with Christ, through facilitating retreats and days of reflection, through writing, and spiritual direction. She lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with her husband and three children. Learn more about Becky here.

Retreat Curriculum

Overwhelmed No More. (Self-paced)
Getting Started: Introduction

Welcome! Start here.

Video: What to Expect (14:37)

Prayer Tools: Getting Ready to Begin

Know You Are Not Alone

Week 1: Overview

Video: Know You Are Not Alone (26:21)

Week 1: Prayer Tools

Week 1: Go Deeper Resources

Pray in Daily Life

Week 2: Overview

Video: Pray in Daily Life (29:53)

Week 2: Prayer Tools

Week 2: Go Deeper Resources

Center Your Life Around God

Week 3: Overview

Video: Center Your Life Around God (30:24)

Week 3: Prayer Tools

Week 3: Go Deeper Resources

Clarify your Yeses

Week 4: Overview

Video: Clarify Your Yeses (34:50)

Week 4: Prayer Tools

Week 4: Go Deeper Resources

Choosing Between Goods

Week 5: Overview

Video: Choosing Between Goods (23:40)

Week 5: Prayer Tools

Week 5: Go Deeper Resources

Walking Boldly in Peace

Week 6: Overview

Video: Walking Boldly in Peace (18:40)

Week 6: Prayer Tools

Week 6: Go Deeper Resources

We Made It! What’s Next?

Sharing the Graces: Feedback Please!

Go Deeper with Christ in Community

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Go Deeper Resource Library

Meet with a Spiritual Director

Learn More About St. Ignatius & Ignatian Spirituality

Continue to Pray in Daily Life

Learn More About Discernment

More Spiritual Reading

Digital Download Becky Eldredge – Overwhelmed No More. (Self-paced) at coursebing.shop Now!

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