
Elayne Kalila Doughty – Embark on a Sacred Pilgrimage to Experience the Healing Energies of Mary Magdalene

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Short Description:
As you’ll discover, the primary face of the Magdalene is Mother — Red Maven, creatrix, and source of all life. You’ll access the forgotten lineages of feminine spirituality, leading you back to the very first womb — the priestess and shamankas who held the wisdom of creation, destruction, and preservation.

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Elayne Kalila Doughty - Embark on a Sacred Pilgrimage to Experience the Healing Energies of Mary Magdalene

Elayne Kalila Doughty – Embark on a Sacred Pilgrimage to Experience the Healing Energies of Mary Magdalene

Module 1: Enter the Temple of the Magdalene — Who Is She Really? (May 27)

If you bring forth what is in you, what is in you will save you.— Gospel of Thomas

In this first stop on your pilgrimage, you’ll meet the Magdalene — as a historical figure and as a collective archetype of the Feminine Christ.

The Magdalene is one of the most famous women in Western history. She’s literally depicted in thousands of paintings, yet mention of her in the Bible is scant — and she was chosen to hold the position of the most scorned, reviled, and degraded woman in history.

In this opening module, you’ll meet the Magdalene as the historical woman and as an awakening collective consciousness of the Feminine Christ.

You’ll discover who the Feminine Christ is, why she’s rising in us at this time, and the message she brings.

In this first session, you’ll:

  • Learn about the Magdelenes — the watchtower women, she of one thousand names, and the long lineage of powerful women who stand as Magdalanas
  • Meet Mary Magdalene the woman, discover how she became known as a whore and prostitute, and explore the real story that’s been hidden in plain sight for 2,000 years
  • Trace Magdalene’s life from the tiny fragments of scripture and information available and lean into the ways she’s evolved in her mythology over the centuries
  • Learn how the repeated symbols of the Magdalene are codes and keys to awaken your consciousness — the red clothing; the skull; the alabaster jar; the open book; the flaming heart; the feet; the long, loose red hair, the pearls, and more
  • Deepen with some of the symbols and feel how they hold encoded wisdom within us… and how when we enter into contemplation with them, they begin to unpack inner gnosis (knowing) that leads us into higher states of consciousness
  • Awaken the practice of remembrance
  • Move through an experiential practice to meet the Magdalene within you

Module 2: Enter the Womb Temple — Magdalene, the Red Maven (June 3)

In this session, you’ll explore the temple of the Magdalene — the Womb Temple, a sacred space that holds the mystery of creation itself, from birth to life to death and rebirth.

As you’ll discover, the primary face of the Magdalene is Mother — Red Maven, creatrix, and source of all life. You’ll access the forgotten lineages of feminine spirituality, leading you back to the very first womb — the priestess and shamankas who held the wisdom of creation, destruction, and preservation.

You’ll reconnect back to your ancestors and your own blood lineages as you honor the forgotten traditions we all come from.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Meet the Magdalene as the Red Maven who holds the ancient lineages of priestessing that have existed throughout history — that can connect you back to the beginning of human culture, ritual, and ceremony
  • Receive her as she initiates you into your creative power and what you’re here to conceive and birth into being at this point in your life
  • Awaken the practice of Grounded Presence, reconnecting to your womb wisdom and presence of the Sophia Mother (Wisdom Mother)
  • Reweave and connect to the Red Thread that connects feminine spirituality throughout all time
  • Learn how the connection between our bodies and the moon forged the beginnings of time and culture
  • Deepen into an embodied storytelling of the myth of Sophia and access Sophia the Mother and Sophia the daughter
  • Feel the power of this reconnection to Mother God — and feel and understand its impact for the planet
  • Follow along with a guided meditation on the journey of the sacred womb and ask yourself, “What am I here to reclaim at this time?”

Module 3: Enter the Sacred Library of Sophia Magdalene, the High Priestess, Teacher, Orator & Oracle (June 10)

This week, you’ll continue your pilgrimage following the synchronistic signs of the Magdalene to enter the sacred library of Sophia.

You’ll meet Magdalene as a highly skilled and trained priestess, teacher, orator, and oracle. She who holds the position of being the Apostle to the Apostles.

Elayne Kalila will introduce you to her as an initiator for you to reclaim the power of the word, spoken with clarity and purpose.

You’ll become initiated into your remembrance of Sophia Magdalene, and recreate the sacred ancient library that held the gnosis (knowledge) of the core teachings of love — accessing the deeper Sophia (wisdom) codes that are awakening within us collectively at this time.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Meet Magdalene as a high priestess, teacher, and highly accomplished orator and feel the power of her transmission as an adept — one who was revered, respected, and stood beside Yeshua as his equal
  • Receive her initiation for you to enter into remembrance
  • Discover what it means to become fully anthropos (divine human) and what it means for your own quest for awakening and wholeness
  • Explore how the Nous (sometimes equated to “mind” or “intelligence”) helps deepen your understanding of the Middle Way — or the Way of Love
  • Learn the meaning of Theosis, and how it leads to a direct experience of God/Goddess
  • Learn about how Magdalene was appointed as the primary apostle — the teacher that Yeshua appointed to carry on the teaching of the Way of Love
  • Receive an embodied story of the myth of Cassandra, who was silenced — and the healing that’s held for all of us who speak our inner knowing and truth
  • Experience a guided meditation journey to the sacred library of Sophia — entering it to retrieve the gnosis that’s waiting for you, to meet with Magdalene as the transmission and holder of the Sophia codes of wisdom, and to ask yourself, “What am I here to remember at this time?”

Module 4: Enter the Sacred Castle — Magdalene the Sovereign Queen (June 17)

This week, you’ll continue your pilgrimage as you enter the Temple of the Inner Sacred Castle — to meet the Magdalene as she who carries the codes of sovereignty and spiritual warriorship.

In this temple, you’ll encounter the power of the Sovereign Queen, “the woman unto herself” who has chosen to enter into the sacred marriage within.

You’ll feel the embodied power of she who no longer requires the validation of “the other” to sit in her own inner knowing and self-authority.

You’ll step into the power of she who is no longer lacking or needing another to complete herself or make herself whole. You’ll sit on your own sovereign throne and become whole unto yourself.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Meet the Magdalene as the Sovereign Queen who initiates you to sit upon your own sovereign throne and find your center of authentic power
  • Take responsibility for that which you’re called to manifest into creation
  • Explore the lineage of Sovereign Queens that hold their power as transmission — here you’ll meet Boudicca, Cleopatra, and Eleanor of Aquitaine
  • Deepen with the Inner Queen and King — and explore how they’re being called into balanced union with one another at this time
  • Access the spiritual gifts of Nobility, Honor, and Impeccability
  • Awaken the practice of “Sovereign Alignment”
  • Experience a meditation journey to the Sovereign Throne — you’ll enter into the sanctified space of self-coronation as Magdalene initiates you to come home to your own sovereign throne, asking yourself, “What am I here to take aligned, impeccable action on at this time in my life?”

Module 5: Enter the Majesty of the Christed Heart — Magdalene the Rosa Mystica (June 24)

This week, you’ll arrive on your pilgrimage to the Temple of the Christed Heart, where you’ll enter the majesty of the awakened heart.

You’ve already come far. You’ve cleared the way for your inner gnosis and awakened your Sophia consciousness.

You’ve listened to the Magdalene as she’s guided you to connect to the holy grail of your womb, the library of your gnosis, the castle of your sovereign power, and now you’ll find the glory of your heart.

Here you’ll meet Magalance as the keeper of the Way of Love, and be guided by her to awaken the Rosa Mystica within your own heart. This prayer of devotion and unconditional love releases the fragrance of the divine rose from within you — the alchemical elixir that transforms all things.

Together with Elayne Kalila and your classmates, you’ll awaken the Magdalene’s initiation to walk the vow of love — and you’ll stand at the threshold of what this means for each of us.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Meet the Magdalene as the Rosa Mystica and feel her presence as she initiates you into the Way of Love
  • Discover what it means to awaken the Christ/Christa within — and the practices that can open and awaken the heart center
  • Awaken the Rosa Mystica’s 6 different fragrances of love — Charis, Eunoia, Eros, Agape, Storge, and Philia
  • Enter the Mystic Rose, feeling her in all phases from bud to full bloom
  • Feel where you are called to open to love more fully in your own life
  • Awaken the prayer of the Rosa Mystica
  • Learn about the 144 ways of divine love — and feel which of them you are being called to practice in your daily life
  • Experience a meditation journey to the christed heart, entering the Temple of the Rosa Mystica to feel where you’re being called to open more fully to love… and meet the Magdalene as the Mystic Rose, receiving her transmission and message of how you can enter more deeply into LOVE

Module 6: Enter the Bridal Chamber — Magdalene the Ecstatic Alchemist (July 1)

This week on your pilgrimage, you’ll find yourself in the bridal chamber — your womb power awakened, your equality and sovereignty in motion, and your heart opened and softened.

Elayne Kalila will introduce you to Magdalene as the Ecstatic Alchemist. You’ll walk into the most sumptuous of rooms, with a four-poster bed strewn with red rose petals, hundreds of candles burning offering soft amber light, and the scent of roses permeating the air.

You’ll arrive at the innermost holy of holies — the place where you come to meet the inner beloved and awaken the embodied Eros.

Here you’ll connect heart and womb, throat and yoni, and allow for a presence of embodied aliveness to enter.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Meet the Magdalene as Ecstatic Alchemist, receiving her as she initiates you into embracing Eros and opening the way for alchemical transformation
  • Call upon our priestess sisters in the Way of the Melissae and Bee Magik — invoking the presence of the sacred nectars and the path of pollen
  • Connect with our bodies through sacred dance, movement, and breath to open the way for ecstasy to enter in
  • Awaken the practice of Embodied Eros
  • Discover the sacred art of anointing, the kiss of spirit on the body — a 7,000-year-old sacred practice of the Magdalenas — and enter into a sacred self-blessing that brings you to the place of marriage between the divine and human
  • Experience a guided meditation journey to the bridal chamber to meet the inner beloved and experience the union of the divine and human, entering a self-blessing with an anointing oil to consecrate and honor the divine within your sacred temple, an intimate rite of divine love embodied

Module 7: Enter the Tomb — Magdalene the Death Maiden (July 8)

As you come to the final week of your pilgrimage, the full cycle is coming to completion.

The full bloom of the rose feels its first petals fall to the ground as you find yourself entering into the Temple of the Tomb.

Here you’ll meet the Magdalene as Death Maiden and begin to release that which is complete in your personal life.

You’ll feel all that’s been traversed in your pilgrimage, and come to conscious completion of that which is done — and will soon begin again.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Meet Magdalene as the Death Maiden who initiates you to come to conscious completion and let die that which is ready to be released and composted
  • Learn about the Myrrophores, the ancient priestesses who would anoint those passing between the worlds
  • Understand the role Magdalene the woman played in the preparation of Yeshua for his crucifixion and transcension
  • Enter into an embodied story of Magdalene and her sister anointing the body of Yeshua and discover what this holds for you as a teaching of these ancient rites of passage
  • Chart the journey of Inanna into the underworld and understand the 7 gateways, 7 veils, and 7 chakras as a map of our spiritual maturation — both immanent and transcendent
  • Awaken the practice of The Void
  • Experience a meditation journey to the tomb, the void of darkness, the underworld where you’ll meet Magdalene as the Death Maiden who anoints you — and prepares you to release all that is complete in your life

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