
Jeff Paul & Jim Fleck – Killer Copywriting Master Package

Original price was: $37.00.Current price is: $14.00.

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Short Description:
How to quickly and easily turn ‘everyday salesmanship’ into irresistible sales copy that automatically puts the reader into a trance and forces them to buy your products.

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Jeff Paul & Jim Fleck - Killer Copywriting Master Package

Jeff Paul & Jim Fleck – Killer Copywriting Master Package

Would you like to get a proven, money-making website of your own for free?

Would you like to learn how to write ads and letters that allow you to sell virtually anything you want, anytime you want, for as much money as you want?

If so, here’s great news!

Marketing geniuses Jeff Paul and Jim Fleck have just released a new course called, “Jealously Guarded Secrets Of Writing Copy So Good You Can Sell Sand In The Desert!”. In this course, you’ll learn the exact same copywriting secrets students from all over the world paid up to $495 to get their hands on.

Every technique is revealed to you. Every secret is demonstrated and illustrated for you. Jeff leaves nothing out. And, every technique is guaranteed to work for you if you put it to use. The secrets Jeff reveals to you in this course have worked time and time again for Jeff and his clients. Let me give you some examples:

  • A one page ad that led to an infomercial, which sold $40,000,000 (yes that’s right, 40 MILLION DOLLARS) worth of video tapes in less than one year!
  • Banner ads and emails leading to a long form, website sales letter that sold thousands of $1,295.00 training courses, 100% online, with NO salespeople the customers could talk to! (Not even a phone number to call!)
  • An email that gets a 10% conversion to a web site that sells a $1,000 an item, with no demo, no free trials…and gets 30% of the visitors to give us their credit card number and order…on the spot!
  • An ad crammed with copy in eight point type (which is this small, and that everybody who doesn’t know shit says no one will read) that sold just under 100,000 copies of my book, “How To Make $4,000 A Day Sitting At Your Kitchen Table In Your Underwear”, which led to sales of over 12,000 full blown training courses at $495!
  • A 24 page sales letter with no pictures, no testimonials, no endorsements, etc…that sells golf clubs for more than $6,000 a set! Without a putter. The putter is $400 more. (How many $6000+ sets of golf clubs have you seen sold strictly through the strength of the copy in a letter?)
  • A single 2 x 3 inch ad that started a $37 million dollar business that has 450 + offices and runs that same ad in all 450 newspapers EVERY DAY! (Pretty good, considering the client started working out of his house, with one ad and office only three years prior to this!)

Here’s what you’ll discover when you get your hands on this course:

  • How to quickly and easily turn ‘everyday salesmanship’ into irresistible sales copy that automatically puts the reader into a trance and forces them to buy your products.
  • Why you don’t need to be ‘school smart’ to make these secrets work and how having a degree can actually be a handicap to making real money.
  • What the real definition of advertising is and why 99.9% of ‘Madison Avenue’ type agencies are full of shit.
  • How to instantly conquer writer’s block. You’ll never be stuck for words again because you’ll have 100 of the greatest headlines ever written to jog your imagination and spark your natural writing brilliance.
  • How to ‘zero-in’ on each burning desire running through your prospects mind and hammer home all of the benefits you have to offer so that they’ll be happy to fork over money to you.
  • How to tap into the greed glands of every single person reading your copy and use that greed to get them to buy whatever you want.
  • How to stop prospects dead in their tracks and force them to read and devour every single word of copy you write. (If you can’t get people to read what you write, you won’t sell a thing. The secrets you’ll learn are so powerful, that even if they don’t want to… they’ll be compelled to read every single word!)
  • How to dive into your prospects pain, magnify it, and get them to see that you’re the only possible solution to their problems. (Using this one secret, will allow you to charge any amount of money you want and still get your prospect to happily pay!)
  • How to turn an ordinary sales letter into a world class sales letter simply by adding a few ‘sales boosters’ most copywriters don’t even know about.
  • How to gain instant trust and credibility with everyone who reads your letters or ads. (You’ll discover that people buy from people they like and trust. You’ll see how easy it is to make an emotional connection with anyone and get them to instantly be in your corner!)
  • How and why you must use stories throughout your copy to hypnotically capture your reader’s attention and lead them all the way to your order page!
  • Dozens of tests that every sales letter or ad must pass before you even think about using them!
  • How to use the right ‘trigger words’ that get people desperate to send you money.
  • How to write teaser copy and bullets so powerful that people will order your product without any regards of price (You’ll discover that one little sentence, one little bullet buried into your ad, could be the overwhelming reason why people must get a hold of your product!)
  • How to use ‘human psychology’ to step inside your prospects mind and discover the exact words you have to say to them to get them to open up their wallets and give you money. (You’ll quickly see that every living person has fears, desires, and wants that you can secretly uncover and use to fill your bank account up with money.)
  • You get exact word-for-word samples of ads and sales letters that brought in millions.
  • A ‘no-brainer’ way to uncover the hook that sucks customers directly into your ads and letters.
  • The dirty little reasons why people won’t respond to your ads or sales letters and how to instantly put a stop to it.
  • Why using ‘broken English’ can actually catapult your sales through the roof and why your English teachers were dead wrong in virtually everything they taught you about writing.
  • A simple-to-use, paint-by-the-numbers system that will allow you to produce world class copy at will.
  • How to recycle killer ideas used by ‘the old time masters’ to pump new life into any and every ad you write. (Why re-invent the wheel? Let the old ‘dead-guys’ give you all of the ammunition you need to create killer ads.)
  • Hands down, the most important element every sales message you ever create must have. (Leave this out, and you can kiss all that money bye-bye!)
  • The 4 questions you must be able to answer or you won’t sell anything.
  • 37 guaranteed ways to increase readership, boost response to your sales letters and ads… and make more sales.
  • How to eliminate your competition without even trying. ( You’ll discover how to make every ad you write ‘jump out’ and force the reader to only consider your products, even if you have an army of competitors.)
  • How to scan any ad or letter and in 45 seconds or less uncover little ‘trigger words’ you can add to instantly boost response.
  • How to create a buying frenzy for every product you roll out with.
  • How to unleash your own writing genius, even if you’ve never written a word in your life. (I guarantee that even if you can’t write a grocery list, you’ll learn how easy it is to write world-class copy at will!)
  • Why revealing one or two flaws about your product or service will help shoot your ad’s response through the roof, and the best way to reveal those flaws!

That’s just a very small sample of what you’ll discover in this course. In all, there are 17 chapters of priceless information that will instantly turn you into a copywriting expert.

But, that’s not all.   You’ll also get:

30 Examples of Some Of The Best (and worst) Ads Ever Run!

In this collection, Jeff walks you through a direct marketing, “Hall of Fame”, and shows you exactly why each ad succeeded or bombed.  You’ll get to see first hand all of the little tricks and secrets that make each ad tick. Jeff points out things that an untrained eye would easily miss. This is a rare opportunity for you to watch a world-class copywriter dissect an ad, pick it apart, and explain the formulas behind great ads. You get all of this for an amazingly low price of $37. Remember, this is the same course that others have forked over $495 for. You’ll get it for a fraction of the cost.

But, I’m not finished yet.

I have a second, more lucrative option for you. For only $297, you can get the “Killer Copywriting Master Package!”

In this package you’ll get the incredible Killer Copywriting Ebook, 30 of “the best ads ever run…

Plus You’ll Get:

The 50 Best Headline Words To Use… Plus Over 427 of the Best Headlines Ever Used!

This collection of headline words can actually pay for itself hundreds of times more than the cost of the actual course. Headlines are, without a doubt, the most important part of your selling message. Simply because, if your reader doesn’t find the headline compelling, they won’t read any more of your sales message and the sale is lost. In this collection, you not only get 50 of the best headline words to use, you’ll also get a list of over 427 of the best headlines ever written for you to use as instant headline templates.

Here’s what else you’ll get:

How to Write Killer Copy Headlines That Generate Instant Profits!

Not only will you have all of the headlines you will possibly need for your sales copy, in this section Jeff give you the how and the why behind writing killer headlines. You can easily just take all of the headlines and plug them into your copy and boost response. But, if you want to know exactly why a certain headline works so effectively, this will be the section you’ll love to read.

And, with the Killer Copywriting Master Package, you also get these valuable free gifts:

You also get:

The Complete Unedited Audios of Jeff’s Killer Copywriting Class

Yes, that’s right! You get to actually sit in on one of Jeff’s classes and hear every single word Jeff spits out. This will actually force you to learn the copywriting secrets faster than if you just read the material. Listening to Jeff you’ll get to hear him explain copywriting secrets that he doesn’t reveal anywhere else. Jeff’s brilliance in teaching you how to quickly and easily write killer copy really comes through on the audios. It just like you took a fully loaded gun, pointed it at his head and told him, “Ok. No more bullshit. How do I really create money-making ads and sales letters? I want to know everything you know and I want to know it now. And, if you screw around and try to hold anything back, you’re dead!”

That’s how serious Jeff is when it comes to you creating killer copy at will. And, audio allows all of the lessons to actually cement themselves into your brain. There’s nothing more powerful than audio learning to burn the knowledge into your permanent memory. Now, thanks to the power of the internet, when you get KillerCopywriting, you get access to the tapes through your computer immediately. You can listen to them online, or do what lots of students do, and download them onto your computer or CD. You’ll be able to turn your car into a copywriting university. It’s the most powerful way to learn.

FREE GIFT #1 – The Killer Copywriting Master Checklist! – “Killer Copywriting – How To Write Copy So Good You Could Sell Sand In The Desert – Comprehensive Content/Offer Checklist!” Never Miss Or Forget Anything That Must Be In Your Killer Copy!” This Is A 220 Item Cheat Sheet That Every Copywriter Cannot Be Without!
One item on this ‘cheat sheet’ can transform an average sales letter into a ‘blockbuster’ in just a few minutes. And, you’ll have 220 ‘profit boosters’ at your fingertips. Don’t even think about running an ad or sales letter until you put it through this master checklist! **A $97 Value**

FREE GIFT #2 – Access To The Instant Profits Club Archive – Where you get a ton of Killer Copy Articles and updates as well as Step-by-Step, Paint-by-Numbers Marketing Advice, With Instant Access to the same information our Marketing Consultant Clients Have Used to Make Millions! ** A $119.40 Value **

FREE GIFT #3 – Internet Marketing Master Declan Dunn reveals His Best Online Ad Copy. Declan Dunn is one of the nation’s leading affiliate marketing consultants and clients pay him thousands of dollars for his advice. You won’t have to. You’ll get to dive into his brain and watch as he steps you through some of his most powerful and successful online ads. If you’re going to take advice, you should take it from people who are really making a killing online. Declan Dunn fits that description. You’ll find the lessons here invaluable. **A $97.00 Value**

FREE GIFT #4 – Jeff Paul and Jim Fleck’s Master Website Marketing Checklist. Right now, you can go out and pay some web designer thousands of dollars to build you a site. Problem is, most designers couldn’t tell you what a money-making website looks like, if it bit them in their ass. Oh sure, they could build something that’s pretty and has a lot of bells and whistles, but it won’t sell anything. What the hell good is that? You can’t afford to piss away money on sites that don’t bring in money. Before you even think about building your site, make sure you run it through this Master Website Marketing Checklist. It could save you thousands of dollars and hours of wasted time. **A $97.00 Value**

FREE GIFT #5 – Copywriting Firepower – Advertising Secrets of the Marketing Gods by Jonathan Mizel. This is a guy who charges $350 an hour for private consulting and has people lined up to pay him. Why? Because he’s a master at creating advertising that brings in money fast. In this book, Jonathan reveals all of the tips, tricks and secrets he uses to make a fortune in direct marketing. **A $50 value**

$140,000,000.00 Swipe File

FREE GIFT #6 – 1,178 page Swipe File of ads, salesletters, emails, landing pages and websites that have made us over $10,000,000 in the last year alone and a total of over $140,000,000 for us and our clients!  **At least a $100,000 value, but let’s just say $1,000 to be reasonable**

That’s $1,510.40+ Worth Of Free Gifts For You!

Digital Download Jeff Paul & Jim Fleck – Killer Copywriting Master Package at coursebing.shop Now!

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